The talk on 14 May 2024 was given by Paul Green of Greensleaves Nursery. Paul gave an enjoyable talk on his love for growing and propagating interesting and unusual plants. Remarkably his talk was undertaken without slides; instead, Paul took a very ‘hands-on’ approach using his plants as props throughout the evening!
As a propagator and specialist nurseryman, Paul has developed new versions of plants from older established varieties over the years. This may be different flower colours, more interesting foliage and shorter or taller varieties. Often the newer plants have more subtle differences i.e. they are hardier and more drought tolerant.
The talk was full of amusing anecdotes gathered over Paul’s long career from discovering a new orange version of Berberis (through sheer luck), learning how birds love ferric phosphate slug pellets (they ate them all) and the difficulties in propagating Edgewarthia (hard work). His love of plants, whether structural, colourful or delicate was obvious throughout the evening.
Using the plants as props, he talked us through how to care for a range of different plants, from New Zealand flax, Fatsia, Quince, Salvias, Edgeworthia chrysantha (paperbush) and a new variety of Geum (Pink Petticoat).
For instance, the variated Fatsia need lots of shade, food and a sheltered spot. He talked about distinguishing between shrub and herbaceous salvias and caring for the different varieties. He encouraged us to cut back plants to have a second ‘flush’ and to extend their growing season.
He ended by chatting about houseplants and their increasing popularity. While suggesting putting houseplants outside over the summer months he advised us to take it slowly and to gradually build up light levels so the plants aren’t ‘shocked’.
Overall, it was a most enjoyable talk with the added bonus that Paul had a beautiful display of plants for sale, which proved very popular with the audience.