Ticknall Luncheon Club was started by Mary Magson in September 2008 and has been running successfully since. It has proved to be extremely popular with Ticknall residents.
It is a great opportunity to get to know your neighbours.

The lunches are open to all Ticknall residents and generally take place fortnightly on a Tuesday. Check the Events Page or call one of the numbers below to confirm dates.
The charge is £7.00 and times are 12.00 for 12.30 pm and usually finish around 2.00 pm.
Transport is available if required.
We have a fantastic group of volunteers who organise, cook, serve and wash up but we are always open to more help.
Check the Events Calendar to verify Lunch Club dates.
New Members
If you are interested in coming along to the lunch or you know anyone who might be interested please do not hesitate to contact us by phone on one of the undermentioned numbers.
Mary Magson 01332 863059
Clare Pattinson 01332 863382
Jean Goodall 01283 561770